Artificial Intelligence and You
Recently, “One Country Two System Search Center and Cambridge University publish [...]
Recently, “One Country Two System Search Center and Cambridge University publish [...]
“I have two dads. One of them taught me how to work for money; the other taught me how to make money work for me.” Every day, due to fear for failing to survive, we learn skills, we work for a boss, and we use what we earned to support our life necessities and desires. As employees, we work as hard as possible to prevent us from getting fired; as employers, they offer the lowest salary possible to prevent employees from quitting the job. In this cycle, employees are like donkeys trying to chase the carrots in front of them.
The last part of job interview success guide
我們身邊都不乏一些所謂“人緣好”的人,若仔細研究,你會發現這些人身上的的確確存在一些共同的特質。如果你想提升自己的人緣,不妨看看你是否具備這些條件。 做事靠譜 [...]
獵頭對我到底有什麼價值? 只要是進入職場2-3年以上的人應該都或多或少會有與獵頭顧問打交道的經歷。根據個人的職業規劃,人們在職業生涯中有著形形色色的職業目標。獵 [...]