How To Handle Meetings Efficiently

//How To Handle Meetings Efficiently

How To Handle Meetings Efficiently

group of people sitting near table

  1. Be on Time –Punctuality is really important in terms of efficiency
  2. Be Prepared – Write an agenda, this makes sure you would not miss out any details during the meeting
  3. Find the Right Tools for Collaboration – There are a lot of tools nowadays that can be used for collaboration and file sharing.  Here are some suggested tools:
    • Almost Meet – A tool that allows you to do group meetings, almost as if you are meeting in person.
    • Google Wave – Maybe tricky,  but we have been using it for quite some time and has been effective
    • 6Rounds – Live Meeting point (although can be used as another means of communicating and having fun with friends).
    • Ubidesk – provides a nified workspace for file sharing, document collaboration and project management.
    • MeetSee – Your virtual office
  4. Send out Presentation or materials ahead of time – If you have materials prepared, you can try distributing them ahead of meeting time via email.  This gives time for our colleagues to read them and give opinions when you meet. Also, saves a lot of time and keeps the flow of the meeting on-going
  5. Give a Time Frame for your meetings – Giving a time frame for meetings can allow you to determine the length depending on the work that you need to discuss, this makes sure you go through all the points and would not stuck at one point for too long


By | 2018-08-16T12:13:19+08:00 August 16th, 2018|Article|